Why do Sunsets look red?

Hii! friends welcome you all to the another interesting content it is actually a conversation between a teacher and a student regarding sunset I hope you all like this content. Raghu said -"Mam, yesterday I was on the terrace.I saw the sunset.It was so beautiful!The sun was absolutely red!"
Mam replied- "I can think how beautiful it must have looked! But you will be surprised to know that sun itself has nothing to do with creating a beautiful sunset.One of the things that help create that effect is the dust in the air! You all know that the sun's white light is actually made up of all the colours of the rainbow.And that the atmosphere has molecules of air,dust and water vapour,they become scattered by these particles.
At sunset, the sun is near the horizon. We see it through a much thicker layer of dust and air.All these particles change the direction of short-wave light from the sun.Only the longer wavelengths come through directly.Red and orange are longer wavelengths.Violets,blues and green are scattered out of the direct beam,they mix and make a gray twilight glow all around the sky.The disc of the sun itself looks red. The redness of a sunset depends on the kind of particles in the air that will be scattering the sun's light. Tiny water droplets are especially effective at this. That is why certain clouds look so red at sunset".


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