What is the Origin of the Dog?

Ram asked - "Mam,wolves,jackals and foxes are all dogs, aren't they?" Mam replied-"Yes,they are, They all belong to the same family.But wolves,jackals and foxes are called "wild dogs". When human beings realized the usefulness of dogs,they began to develop different breeds of dogs for special purposes.Dogs with long noses were bred to scent game.Keen- sighted fast dogs were bred to chase animals.Strong heavy dogs pulled carts.Other dogs were bred for guard work. Lets come to the point, What's the origin of the Dog? Answer: All living members of the dog family have descended from a wolf like creature called "TOMARCTUS". This ancient canine called the "Father of Dogs" roamed eart's forests about 15,000,000 years ago. Tomarctus itself descended from a small weasel- like creature called"miacis" which lived some 40,000,000 years ago. This creature was also the distant ancestor of the bears and racoons".


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